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How To Keep Your Home Cool During The Summer


What Can You Do To Keep Your Home Cool This Summer?

Most Americans do not think about this, but there is one great advantage (amongst many!) to living in the United States. Can you guess what it is? It’s the absolute privilege of having HVAC in our homes 🏠. Many would agree that the thermostat settings in our homes are not exactly where we want them, especially in the summer. It costs money to run an HVAC. 

Table of Contents

We Have Options

1. The Sun Is an Overachiever

2. Fans Are Our Friends

3. Close The Door!

4. Long-Term Home Improvements

5. HVAC Maintenance

We’re Here For You

We Have Cooling Options

The number one way most homes stay cool during the summer 😎 is through their HVAC systems. But is that enough? Is that the best way? Well, it is if you have an unlimited supply of money. Most do not. Fortunately, there are many ways we can cool our homes. Here are five tips for keeping your home cool this summer.

1. The Sun Is an Overachiever

Does it surprise you that a lot of heat comes into your homes through your windows? The Family Handyman 👨‍🔧 states that roughly 30% of unwanted heat comes through your windows. That is a lot of heat. The most straightforward and cheapest way to combat this is to install and use blinds. You can purchase blinds for as low as $5 at Walmart. Blinds work! Keep them down during the hot parts of the day to cut down on unwanted heat.

2. Fans Are Our Friends

Fans do not create cold air. But they do create air movement. It is incredible how good it feels to sit under a fan. Fans are easy to install, and you can find the right fan for any budget. They are cheaper to run than the HVAC, and they are also easy to install. And contrary to popular belief, it is ok if you want a fan in every room. We won’t judge you. House Beautiful has some great tips on using a fan when it is hot 🔥. 

3. Close The Door!

We are unsure if this is genetic or some other evil at work. But many people have difficulty closing the front/back door 🚪 behind them. It might seem simple, but leaving the door open lets in a lot of hot air. Worse even, you are letting out a lot of the cool air your HVAC is working so hard on. Huff Post writes that closing off particular doors to rooms will also help with your house not heating up.

4. Long-Term Home Improvements

Many do not think about this as it seems too expensive. But long-term improvements to your home will help with improved energy ⚡️ efficiency and keep your home cool. Consider upgrading your HVAC. Get a good thermostat that you can program and that will track usage. Improve your insulation to help with the heat in and out of your home. Check out these eight tips from Sealed to get started.

5. HVAC Maintenance

Your HVAC is a machine. And like all machines, they need regular check-ups to ensure it runs efficiently. We highly recommend having a maintenance plan on your HVAC 🆒 with at least two preventative maintenances per year. This will ensure your HVAC keeps running, and you are never in a situation where you are without an HVAC when you need it. Give Kingdom Air a call for quality care and maintenance.

We’re Here For You

We hope these five tips will help you keep your home cooler this summer. No doubt you have other tips we’ve not mentioned. Share them in the comments so that we can all help each out. At Ironwood Homes, our heart ❤️ desires is to provide you with quality homes and expert advice on how to enjoy your home to the fullest. 

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